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Monday, October 21, 2019

Engineering ethics essays

Engineering ethics essays As an engineer and as a human being, human safety should always come first. Companies should not put the amount of money they could make ahead of the safety of the people they could be putting at risk. I would advocate for the use of site b, because safety should be the number one priority to companies. Sometimes companies do not put safety first and there have been dire effects because of this, like unsafe cars or faulty baby swings. With almost every engineering proposition there is going to good and bad effects accompanying the different paths that can be taken. In Deborah G. Johnsons article the Social and Professional Responsibility of Engineers, Samuel Florman gives the example Should we risk oil spills and increase our reserves by offshore drilling? [1]. This problem is along the same lines as the cell tower problem, should benefits have to be sacrificed in order to ensure the health of humanity? Johnson argues We want...engineers committed to the safety and human well- being [1], if we want to be safe then we should always should put the site b over the site a whenever possible. Engineers should not be guns for hire and always do what would maximize the outcome; they should be looking out for the good of humanity[1]. Building on site A would be a purely consequence oriented approach, and the ends would definitely not justify the means. In Terry Tempest Williams Clan of the one breasted women the government tested atomic bombs in Nevada, and several families were affected, with many women dying because of breast cancer. This is another case where the ends do not justify the means, but Thomas Murray, the atomic energy commissioner, didnt see it that way. Murray said Gentlemen, we must not let anything interfere with this series of tests, nothing [2], this clearly shows why we shouldnt p...

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